Latest Episodes
MBA Wire Taps 332—Overcoming a super low GPA? Chemical engineer, to strategy. Columbia vs Kellogg
In this week's MBA Admissions podcast we began by discussing the flurry of Round 2 MBA application deadlines that dominate the beginning of January....
Episode 331: Exploring the Fundamentals of Leadership Development
Dr. Mike Christian joins the MBA Admissions Podcast to discuss leadership development. His distinguished research informs this interview about whether leadership can be taught,...
MBA Wire Taps 330—Low GRE, from Central Europe. Boston goal, but odd program selection. Kelley versus Olin
Happy 2024!!! In this week's MBA Admissions podcast we turn our attention towards the coming wave of Round 2 MBA application deadlines. These deadlines...
MBA Wire Taps 329—Low GPA, how to mitigate? Medical school drop-out. Goizueta versus Darden
In this week's MBA Admissions podcast we began by discussing all the latest activity on LiveWire and DecisionWire. Over, the past three weeks, we...
MBA Wire Taps 328—327 GRE, but lower GPA. 655 GMAT, the new test format. Tuck versus Darden and Kellogg.
In this week's MBA Admissions podcast we began by discussing the flurry of decisions we have witnessed from all the top MBA programs as...
MBA Wire Taps 327—Super profile, 305 GRE. Airline entrepreneur. Engineer, 690 GMAT.
In this week's MBA Admissions podcast we began by discussing the flurry of activity on LiveWire relating to R1 decision releases for a number...